Fire in the Sky (Apple TV+) - Serienkritik | (2024)


Jan Werner

10. Mai 2023

7 Min. geschätzte Lesezeit

Apple hat in 2022 mit einer Reihe von Buchverfilmungen mehrfach ins Schwarze getroffen. Auch Fire in the Skybasiert auf einem literarischen Werk. In diesem Fall handelt es sich jedoch nicht um eine Adaption im eigentlichen Sinn. Aber was ist die Miniserie dann genau? Und viel wichtiger: Sollte man sich die Produktion ansehen?

FIRE IN THE SKY Trailer German Deutsch (2023) Apple TV+

TitelFire in the Sky (OT: City on Fire)
RegieJesse Peretz, Liz Garbus, Haifaa Al-Mansour
DrehbuchGarth Risk Hallberg, Stephanie Savage, Josh Schwartz
GenreSerien (Drama)
DarstellerWyatt Oleff, Chase Sui Wonders, Xavier Clyde, Jemima Kirke, Nico Tortorella, Ashley Zukerman, Max Milner, Alexandra Doke, Omid Abtahi, Kathleen Munroe, John Cameron Mitchell
Länge8 Folgen mit je ca. 50-60 Minuten
Altersempfehlungab 12 Jahren freigegeben
VerleihApple TV+
Fire in the Sky (Apple TV+) - Serienkritik | (1)

Fire in the Sky – Die offizielle Handlungsangabe

In Fire in the Sky wird am 4. Juli 2003 eine NYU Studentin im Central Park angeschossen. Samantha ist allein. Es gibt keine Zeugen und nur wenig physische Spuren. Sie ist auf einem Konzert der Band ihrer Freund:innen in ihrem Lieblingsclub. Dann geht sie, um jemanden zu treffen. Sie sagt, sie komme gleich zurück. Doch das tut sie nicht. Bei den Ermittlungen stellt sich heraus, dass Samantha das Bindeglied zwischen einer Reihe mysteriöser Brände in der ganzen Stadt, der Downtown-Musikszene und einer wohlhabenden Familie mit Immobilien in Upper Manhattan ist, die unter dem Druck ihrer Geheimnisse zu zerbrechen droht.

Staffelkritik zu Fire in the Sky

Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der ganzen Staffel der Serie. Dementsprechend ist die Kritik auch als Gesamteindruck zum neuen Format gedacht und soll dazu dienen, denLesern eine Hilfestellung bei der Entscheidung zu geben, ob sich auf dieser Basis ein Blick rentiert.

Nicht noch ein High-Society-Drama in New York?!

Der Autor dieser Kritik hat das Buch von Garth Risk Hallberg gelesen. Nein, besser: verschlungen und geliebt. Dementsprechend sind recht hohe Erwartungen in diesem Fall zumindest nicht komplett auszublenden und der Vergleich mit der Vorlage schwang als Damoklesschwert doch mit während er sich die Miniserie angesehen hat. Nichtsdestotrotz soll die Kritik natürlich so objektiv und vorurteilsfrei wie möglich sein. Wobei an dieser Stelle direkt etwas Druck vom Kessel genommen werden kann, denn sogar als Buchfan gibt es hier einerseits dadurch, dass man sich nicht haarklein an der Vorlage entlang hangelt, neue Aspekte zu entdecken. Und andererseits ist die Serie sowohl als Verfilmung als auch losgelöst betrachtet auf jeden Fall einen Blick wert. Hierzu aber im Folgenden mehr.

Oberflächlich betrachtet magFire in the Sky wie ein weiteres Drama im Big Apple anmuten, bei dem man als Außenstehender zum Voyeur in höheren Schichten Manhattans wird. Doch sind es hier weder klischeehafte familiäre Konflikte noch abgedroschene Luxusprobleme, die im Fokus stehen. Allein dadurch, dass man einen Großteil der Zeit an der Seite der anarchischen Charaktere und der „Invasoren“ in der Upper Class verbringt, wird der Geschichte eine ganz spezielle Würze verliehen.

Magnolia-Vibes zwischen Krimi,…

Die Serie dreht sich um einen wirklich großen Kreis von wichtigen Figuren. Allein deswegen wäre eine Verfilmung als Film von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt gewesen. Es dauert hier einige Zeit bis man die Figuren auf dem Spielfeld vor dem inneren Auge sortiert bekommt. Die Verbindungen werden erst nach und nach klar – und die ein oder andere davon wird sehr gut als Überraschungsmoment offenbart. Die Bindeglieder sind einerseits Samantha, die sensationell von Chase Sui Wonders verkörpert wird und andererseits Charlie, der ebenfalls in Wyatt Oleff seine Idealbesetzung gefunden hat. Vor allem nachdem durch das Verbrechen an Samantha die Handlung so richtig ins Rollen kommt, ist es Charlie, der von Trauer, Wut und Ratlosigkeit der an der Schnittstelle zwischen einer reichen New Yorker Familie und den Punks aufgerieben wird. Er ist der heimliche Held und Stellvertreter des Zuschauenden.

… Ballade,

Im Großen und Ganzen handeltFire in the Sky philosophisch ausgedrückt von den ganz normalen Wirren des Schicksals. Kleine Handlungen haben große Auswirkungen, bestimmte Verbindungen wird man nie los, egal wie sehr man es sich wünscht und Entscheidungen trifft man nie für sich allein. So widmet sich die Miniserie einerseits inBig Little Liesähnlicher Manier der Frage, wer auf die Studentin geschossen hat – und wieso. Andererseits geht es aber doch noch mehr um die Reaktionen, die gegenseitigen Verdächtigungen und Mehrdimensionalität im Allgemeinen. Kaleidoskopisch wie einst beiMagnolia schält sich auch hier die Wahrheit im Zeitlupentempo heraus, jede neue Wendung kann ausgekostet werden, jede neue Perspektive fordert vom Zuschauer Empathie und Konzentration ab.

Fire in the Sky (Apple TV+) - Serienkritik | (2)

… und Musikfilm

Darüberhinaus streift die Apple-Adaption das Coming-of-Age-Genre auf eine ebenfalls sehr reife Weise. Antagonisten haben Schwächen, die sie menschlich machen, vermeintliche Underdogs handeln amoralisch, das Schicksal schlägt so unweigerlich zu, dass man den Autor verfluchen und ihm gleichzeitig für seinen Mut beglückwünschen möchte. Ein zutiefst emotionales Drama bricht sich über die acht Folgen bahn. Wenn dann auch noch der Soundtrack so perfekt und unaufgezwungen wie hier eingesetzt wird, um die Gefühle zu verstärken, dann werden bei Vielen im Publikum an einigen Stellen die Tränen fließen.

Punks und unerwiderte Liebe

Auch zu loben ist die Art und Weise, wie die Serie mit dem alternativen Milieu der Punks in New York umgeht. Weder plakativ oder reißerisch noch zu klischeehaft schafft es vor allem Max Milner als Anarcho-Sänger perfekt als Billy-Idol-Hommage und nicht -Parodie durchzugehen. Dieses Verständnis für die Subkultur wird sogar mit dem schönen Intro zusätzlich ansehnlich zur Schau gestellt.

Und dann ist da noch die gute, alte, unberechenbare Liebe, die auch in Fire in the Sky einmal mehr für Verzweiflung im Publikum sorgen wird. Aktionen, egal wie verurteilenswert sie doch seien mögen, lassen sich damit rechtfertigen, sodass man immer wieder auch den eigenen Moralkompass infrage stellt. Nahezu jede Figur ist hier ambivalent gezeichnet und gespielt, es gibt keinen Charakter, der auf dem klassischen Gut-Böse-Schema eindeutig von Szene eins bis zum Schluss an der gleichen Stelle zu verorten ist. Nur John Cameron Mitchell ist dann doch recht deutlich ein Schurke. Doch auch wenn das in all den Graustufen plump wirken mag, das Schauspiel von Mitchell ist dennoch grandios.

Wer sollte sich Fire in the Skynicht entgehen lassen?

Vieles, nicht nur der traumtänzerische Wechsel zwischen den Perspektiven und das sich immer mehr offenbarende Spinnennetz an Verbindungen zwischen den Charakteren, erinnert an den Paul Thomas Anderson FilmMagnolia. Auch wenn es hier keine Frösche regnet und der fantastische Part komplett außen vor bleibt – etwas Magisches, weil nicht Greifbares, hat auchFire in the Sky. Wer New York zudem mal von neuen Seiten kennenlernen möchte, wer sich gern mit dem Punk beschäftigt und wer die Lücke, dieSuccessionim Bezug auf High-Society-Ekel hinterlässt, direkt füllen will, der darf ohne jedes Risiko diese Serie auf die Watchlist setzen. Und auf emotionaler Ebene ist die Serie genauso ein Brett wie zuletztDer Morgen davor und das Leben danach ebenfalls bei Apple im Programm.

Fire in the Sky (Apple TV+) - Serienkritik | (3)

Unser Fazit zu Fire in the Sky

Wer die Buchvorlage kennt, wird die Adaption feiern. Wer nicht, wirdFire in the Skytrotzdem mögen. Für Nichtleser dauert es vermutlich länger, bis man sich an die orientierungslos wirkende Tonalität und die Salamitaktik bei der Charaktervorstellung gewöhnt. Auch die nicht-chronologische Erzählung fordert heraus. Belohnt, wenn man sich darauf einlässt, wird man mit einem Familiendrama voller Zwischentöne, einem Krimi, der zu verblüffen vermag und einer Atmosphäre, die den inneren Punk in jedem Zuschauer nach außen kehrt! Eine weitere starke Apple-TV-Serie auf Basis einer Romanvorlage. Chapeau!

Fire in the Skystartet am 12. Mai bei Apple TV+ mit drei Folgen und geht danach im Wochenrhythmus weiter!

Unsere Wertung:
Fire in the Sky (Apple TV+) - Serienkritik | (4)

Fire in the Sky (Apple TV+) - Serienkritik | (5)


City on Fire: Roman*

von FISCHER Taschenbuch


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Fire in the Sky (Apple TV+) - Serienkritik | (6)


Preis: € 11,99 Jetzt auf Amazon kaufen* Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

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© Apple TV+

2023 Alexandra Doke Apple TV+ Ashley Zukerman Buchverfilmung Chase Sui Wonders Drama Haifaa Al-Mansour Jemima Kirke John Cameron Mitchell Josh Schwartz Kathleen Munroe Liz Garbus Max Milner Nico Omid Abtahi Serien Stephanie Savage Streamingstarts Tortorella USA Wyatt Oleff Xavier Clyde

Fire in the Sky (Apple TV+) - Serienkritik | (2024)


Is City on Fire worth watching? ›

A convoluted mess, despite great potential. May 15, 2023 | Rating: 1.5/4 | Full Review… In the absence of any standout performances or much cultivated suspense, City on Fire hinges its success on capturing and channeling its inspiration. Instead, the show favors stereotype over specificity.

How many episodes of City of Fire are there? ›

“City on Fire,” an eight-episode limited series on Apple TV+, is adapted from Garth Risk Hallberg's 2015 novel of the same name. The book, an urban epic that sprawls over 900 pages, traces the fallout from the shooting of an NYU freshman, culminating in New York's infamous 1977 blackout a few months later.

What's on Apple TV that's worth watching? ›

The Best Shows on Apple TV+ Right Now
  • The Essex Serpent (2022) Image via Apple TV+ ...
  • Silo (2023-present) Creator: Graham Yost. ...
  • The Last Thing He Told Me (2023) Image via Apple TV+ ...
  • Extrapolations (2023-present) ...
  • Dear Edward (2023-present) ...
  • Hello Tomorrow (2023-present) ...
  • Shrinking (2023-present) ...
  • Truth Be Told (2019-present)
May 30, 2023

Is there a free Apple TV? ›

A monthly subscription is just $6.99 per month after a free 7-day trial.

Is City on Fire Based on a true story? ›

Although City on Fire is fictional, there are nods to real-deal moments in New York history—plus a few changes worth noting.

What is the plot of the City on Fire? ›

City on Fire is an unforgettable novel about love and betrayal and forgiveness, about art and truth and rock 'n' roll: about what people need from each other in order to live—and about what makes the living worth doing in the first place.

Is there a sequel to City on Fire? ›

City of Dreams by Don Winslow is the second book of the Danny Ryan trilogy set to the backdrop of the Irish/Italian Mob Wars of the 1980s. Because this is a direct sequel to City on Fire, references and possible spoilers are possible in this review if you are not caught up with book one.

Where is City on Fire filmed? ›

New York City, USA

Well known for its towering skyscrapers, famous districts, and endless energy New York was the primary filming location of the series. The cast and crew set up camp in different places and streets in and around the Big Apple.

Is City on Fire a limited series? ›

Set in 2003, the limited series, which was adapted from Garth Risk Hallberg's 2015 novel of the same name, centers on the mysterious July 4, 2003, Central Park shooting of an NYU student named Samantha (Chase Sui Wonders).

What is the most watched series on Apple TV? ›

With “The Last Thing He Told Me,” Apple TV+ has achieved its most watched limited series ever since the streamer's launch in 2019.

How much is Apple TV per month? ›

Apple TV+ is priced at just $6.99 per month.

Apple TV+ users can save some money by opting for an annual subscription, which is $69.99. That lowers the cost to $5.83 per month. The subscription includes access for up to six family members on the same account, so there is plenty of leeway to get your devices connected.

Is Apple TV good or Netflix? ›

If it's choice and a broader range of content to enjoy, from TV series to movies and reality TV series; Netflix is the much better option than Apple TV+. However, in our opinion, when it comes to quality and consistency of original content, we'd say Apple is the better of the two.

Is Netflix free on Apple TV? ›

Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Years later, it's still one of the most essential streaming apps available. You can download Netflix onto your Apple TV for free (although you'll still have to pay for a membership, of course). Every Apple TV model aside from the 1st Generation supports it.

How much is Apple TV for a year? ›

What's the price? ‌Apple TV‌+ is priced at $4.99 per month, with a one-week free trial. There's also an annual $49.99 subscription that saves a bit of money over the monthly option, and subscriptions also support Family Sharing, so up to six members of a family can access content using a single subscription.

How do I get Apple TV for free for a year? ›

Make sure your eligible device is running the latest iOS, iPadOS, tvOS or macOS. Offer must be claimed in the Apple TV app within 3 months after first setting • up your new device. To see the offer appear, you will need to sign in with your Apple ID on your new device.

Was The City of Ember real? ›

The city in The City of Ember is not a real place. The book is a novel, so it is fictional. The main characters, Lena and Doon, learn about the history of the city as they attempt to figure out how they can get out of the city.

What case is house on fire based on? ›

Debora Green (née Jones; born February 28, 1951) is an American physician who pleaded no contest to setting a 1995 fire which burned down her family's home and killed two of her children, and to poisoning her husband with ricin with the intention of causing his death.

Is LMN a house on fire a true story? ›

A House On Fire is a movie based on the real-life story of Deborah Green, who was sentenced to two continuous terms for 40 years in prison for causing the fire that burned down her house and her two kids. Deborah was a doctor from Kansas and started sinking into depression due to her troubled marriage.

What is the plot summary of the city and the city? ›

Plot Summary. The City & the City is a surreal crime fiction novel by China Mieville, published in 2009. Taking place in two cities which somehow physically overlap, it utilizes tropes of parallel universes to follow a pervasive crime scheme and its subsequent murder investigation.

What is the synopsis of the city and the city? ›

The City and the City is a British television serial, first screened in April 2018. It is a science-fiction/crime drama, based on the novel of the same name by China Miéville. The story follows the investigation of a young woman's murder in the unusual twin cities of Besźel and Ul Qoma.

What happens to the main character at the end of to build a fire? ›

At the end of the story, the man decides that he's been acting shamefully by trying to make an impossible run for the camp. For the first time in the story, he's completely given himself to panic, but it's not long before he regains control and decides to die with dignity.

What year does city on fire take place? ›

City on Fire is a historical novel by debut novelist Garth Risk Hallberg. Published in 2015 by Knopf, the narrative centers around a shooting on New Year's Eve before a blackout in 1977, and the various people these events affect.

What is the sequel to the last town? ›

3The Last TownJuly 15, 2014
The truth of Wayward Pines and what really lies beyond its borders is revealed, with disastrous results.
4 more rows

Is The City of Ember movie like the book? ›

The differences:

The Mayor was better presented in the movie as he didn't come off immediately as a slime-ball. The guards were meaner and it made more sense to have them that way in the movie. Movie had giant bugs and moles, books didn't, not sure other than action scenes why this was done. Characters aged up in ...

Who plays Sam in City on Fire? ›

Chase Sui Wonders: Samantha 'Sam'

Where was a house on fire filmed? ›

Like a House on Fire was shot on location in the city of North Bay in Northern Ontario, a remote setting that allowed the cast and crew to bond together over the course of the filming.

How long is City on Fire? ›

With an eight-episode length that's either way too long or way too short, City on Fire has done away with almost everything that was distinctive about the book.

How many seasons is a limited series? ›

A limited series refers to a TV show that contains only one "season" with a self-contained story. The content of the show has a beginning, middle, and end, with the end of the series concluding its main story. Typically, a limited series lasts for 4-10 episodes.

How many Tales of the City series are there? ›

Tales of the City is a series of nine novels written by American author Armistead Maupin from 1978 to 2014, depicting the life of a group of friends in San Francisco, many of whom are LGBT.

How many seasons of the city are there? ›

What is the most watched series episode of all time? ›

Most-watched American series finales

No. The most watched series finale in U.S. television history remains the 1983 finale of the CBS war/medical dramedy M*A*S*H, titled "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen".

What is the most viewed series? ›

RankTitle (Network)VIEWERS (000)
1.NFL Sunday Night Football (NBC)18,136
2.Yellowstone (Paramount Network)11,550
3.NFL Monday Night Football (ESPN)10,138
4.NCIS (CBS)9,833
97 more rows
May 29, 2023

What is the most watched TV thing ever? ›

Most-watched broadcasts of all time (total viewers)
1Death and state funeral of Elizabeth II2022
2Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer1981
32000 Summer Olympics closing ceremony2000
42000 Summer Olympics opening ceremony2000
6 more rows

Is Apple TV free for Prime members? ›

Access to Apple's TV app requires only a free Apple ID account, but you'll need to have an Amazon Prime membership to access Amazon's Prime Video and its selection of channels.

Is Paramount plus free with Apple TV? ›

Subscribing to Paramount+ via Apple TV channels is quick and easy with your Apple ID. Open the Apple TV app. Search for and select the Paramount+ channel. Tap the "Try it Free" or "Subscribe" button.

Can I share my Apple TV+ subscription? ›

You and up to five family members can enjoy access to Apple Original TV programmes and films on Apple TV+, and share Apple services, such as Apple Music, Apple Arcade, Apple News+ and more. When you share subscriptions, each person will see their own preferences and recommendations – not the whole family's.

Which is better Apple TV or Roku? ›

Verdict: Both Apple TV and Roku Ultra support 4K, HDR, and Dolby Atmos, but Apple TV is Bluetooth enabled, AirPlay capable, and has a responsive A15 Bionic processor. Roku Ultra comes with a quad-core processor and a customizable remote control, and both models support HDMI 2.1.

What are the disadvantages of Apple TV? ›

Reviewers Didn't Like
  • Several features exclusive to Apple users.
  • No AirTag-like location tracking for the remote.
  • Using Siri requires speaking into the remote.
  • Netflix still not fully integrated.
  • No USB-C cable or HDMI in the box.
  • Ethernet port only in 128GB version.

Is Hulu better than Apple TV? ›

Overall, when it comes to Apple TV+ vs Hulu + Live TV, we have to give the win to Hulu. Yes, it costs quite a lot more money, but it also gives you way more content, works on more devices, has a whole bunch of live channels, and comes with bonus features like DVR storage, too.

Is Apple TV like a Firestick? ›

Verdict: Apple TV will give you a smoother, faster streaming experience due to its premium tech, but Fire TV might be better for homes that don't have the very best internet connection.

Is Hulu available on Apple TV? ›

Hulu yesterday began rolling out an updated interface design on the Fire TV, Apple TV, Roku, and other compatible set-top boxes. The revamped look includes a vertical navigation sidebar on the left side of the display, making it easier to get to TV shows, movies, sports, saved content, settings, and more.

Is Apple TV on Roku? ›

The Apple TV channel is now available on select Roku streaming players and Roku TV models. You can access your library of shows and movies, and find new programs to stream, buy, or rent.

Is Apple TV free on Roku? ›

The cost on Roku is the same as other platforms. In the US, that translates to $6.99 per month or $69.99 per year once you've completed a 7-day free trial. If you've bought an Apple device like an iPhone or iPad within the last 90 days, you can extend that trial to three months.

Can you cancel Apple TV anytime? ›

Apple TV can be cancelled at any time within the 30-day trial period by going to Settings – Cancel Auto-Renewal – Confirm. How do I check my Apple TV + Subscriptions?

What's the difference between Apple TV and Apple TV+? ›

Apple TV is an “a la carte” store where you can buy or rent movies. Renting movies through Apple TV only lets you watch the content for a set period of time. Apple TV+ is a pay-one-price monthly streaming service that lets you watch an unlimited amount of content.

Does Verizon offer free Apple TV? ›

Introducing Verizon's One Unlimited for iPhone® plan. * It's the only plan that includes Apple One℠. That's Apple Music®, Apple TV+®, Apple Arcade®, and iCloud+℠ — all bundled together in one easy subscription. All ad-free.

What channels do I get with Apple TV? ›

What are Apple TV Channels?
  • Acorn TV.
  • BritBox.
  • CBS All Access.
  • Cinemax.
  • CollegeHumor's Dropout.
  • Epix.
  • Eros Now.
  • HBO.
Mar 25, 2019

Is Apple TV worth having? ›

Is Apple TV Plus worth it? Whether or not Apple TV Plus is worth it will depend on how much you value fresh and original content. It's not the platform for people who want to binge-watch The Office for the umpteenth time. Apple TV Plus features some great original content that certainly justifies the cost, though.

Is Man on Fire worth watching? ›

That right there makes the film worth seeing. I agree with Quentin Tarantino. This is one of Tony Scott's best films and a great, hard-as-nails revenge movie -- I had expected little and got back a lot. A definite must-see, and an Oscar-worthy performance by Washington.

Is City of Ember a good movie? ›

Really well scripted and acted, and ESPECIALLY good establishment of a fantastical but believable story world.

Is City on a Hill worth watching? ›

Although the plot can be uneven and it can get bogged down in its myriad of storylines, this adult drama is still worth a look. As a bloody caper, City on a Hill is a little bit in love with itself, but it kind of knows it so should be forgiven.

What age is City of Ember series for? ›

For a children's book that is aimed at tweens in the 9-12 year age range, The City of Ember certainly caught my adult attention and in doing so, has earned a spot on my keeper shelf.

Did Man on Fire win any Oscars? ›

It garnered six Academy Award nominations; Joe Pesci won the picture's sole Oscar, for best supporting actor.

What is the message of Man on Fire? ›

Man on Fire is less about retribution, and more about a damaged man falling apart one last time in service of his highest value. Adapted from A. J. Quinnell's 1980 novel of the same name, Man on Fire dramatizes the arc of former CIA operative John Creasy.

What is the ending of Man on Fire? ›

Lisa, now aware of Samuel's involvement, angrily tells Creasy to kill her husband or she'll do it herself; he leaves Samuel a gun and the same bullet he attempted suicide with, and a remorseful Samuel successfully shoots himself.

Do Lina and Doon fall in love in The City of Ember? ›

The last chapter reveals that Lina and Doon eventually fall in love and have children together.

Why is The City of Ember dark? ›

Darkness and Light

The lights go out each night in Ember, creating an artificial nighttime so completely dark that everyone must be home by 9 pm. Doon is alone with his secret thoughts in the dark on the night before he plans to share the truth about the egress, and having to keep the secret makes him sleepless.

Is the city a spin off of the hills? ›

Beginning in 2008, cast member Whitney Port starred in her own spin-off series The City. The program premiered on December 28, 2009, four weeks after the fifth-season finale of The Hills.

Is City on a Hill Based on a true story? ›

That's “City on a Hill” in a nutshell: A show about 1990s Boston that's inspired by true events and features numerous references to real-life occurrences, but is ultimately a work of fiction, a point that Showtime stressed during the run-up to the show's premiere on Sunday.

Why is it called city on the Hill? ›

"The City upon a Hill" is a phrase derived from the teaching of salt and light in Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. Its use in political rhetoric in United States politics is that of a declaration of American exceptionalism to refer to America acting as a "beacon of hope" for the world.

How old is Lina Mayfleet in The City of Ember? ›

Lina Mayfleet is the main female protagonist of the Books of Ember series as a whole, particularly the first book, Book 1: The City of Ember. She is 12 years old in the book, and in the film adaptation she is played by actress Saoirse Ronan, who would have been 13 during filming.

How many years passed in City of Ember? ›

The City of Ember (later unofficially renamed the City of Darkhold) or just simply known as Ember was an underground city created to protect humanity from a huge disaster for at least 200 years. However, it held the inhabitants for a bit over 241 years. Ember was built entirely underground.

How old are Lina and Doon in The City of Ember? ›

Meet Lina and Doon. They're your average twelve-year-olds, except for the fact that they live in the city of Ember, and lead lives that couldn't be more different from your own.


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

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Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.