Sorcerer of the Wilds - Chapter 23 - OrcusNoir (2024)

Chapter Text


Heroic Lineage

”Why do I get the feeling you haven’t found sh*t?” Time called out to Warriors from the second floor of the barracks.

Warriors just sighed. “Damn you,” he said. “You’re right, I haven’t. There's nothing here!” He sighed and kicked a random bunk bed leg.

Sky was trying to pay attention to their playful bickering. Both Time and Twilight were feeding off each other as they both teased Wars for his lack of detective skill. Normally the Chosen would easily find himself playing along, but as of right now his mind wouldn’t let him. It wasn’t their task at hand that kept him so preoccupied, though it was related. No, his mind kept lingering on the fact that the Veteran, Legend, was his descendant.

Legend was a good kid, don’t get him wrong, but it was… Painful to find out how much the young man has been through. Over the past two and a half months Sky had learned a lot about Legend, though most of it was through his sleep talking, and not casual conversation. Legend had been fighting for most of his life, and had apparently lost his father figure very early as well. All of Legend’s suffering just reminded him of that damned curse…

If only Sky hadn’t stayed his blade, if only he hadn’t allowed a dying man his last words… Then maybe, just maybe, Legend and the rest of them would’ve been spared the horrific lives they had to endure. Spared all the trauma and pain, the agony and the shame… Oh how it weighed on his mind like a hat made of lead.

“Sky,” Twi’s voice called out to him, bringing the Chosen out of the abyss that was his thoughts. “You alright down there?”

“Oh, yeah, of course!” He quickly replied, glancing around the barracks to get his bearings straight. The place was about as messy as the Knight’s Academy back home. The major difference was that no one had their own room, everyone was expected to share bunk beds and chests for personal belongings. The whole idea of living in a space like that drove Sky’s faint claustrophobia to the max. The whole area, all two floors of it, felt cramped and way too compact.

Sky felt his fingers wrap around his sailcloth, feeling the smooth and silky fabric against his skin always did wonders to calm and stabilize his senses. He started to shift through the mess of various papers left on tables and desks, hoping that one of them would have some evidence of the theft. Maybe there was a plan to steal the crown, and those very plans were hidden in his room… Somewhere. Of course Sky couldn’t think about the contents of said plans, if they even existed for long… Once again, his mind went right back to Legend…

They stole his crown… He repeated in his head. Legend had confirmed that his crown was somehow Sky’s very own, but that detail just bothered him. Sky wasn’t the type of person to own a crown, nor did he want a crown. Just because he and Sun eventually got married and started the royal line didn’t mean he needed to have a crown right?

Although… If Sky did get a crown, what would it look like? They didn’t exactly get a description of the thing, which would probably be helpful if one of them randomly ran across it… Then again if one of the Links here just randomly found a crown or circlet in a place that it didn’t obviously belong then it was sure to be the Vet’s missing crown.

If anything, Sky just wanted to see it. He needed to know what he put on it, what gems and metals he had chosen, or if he even made it all. There was a small part that wondered if someone else had made the crown for him. But that just raised the question of who? The only person that Sky can think of doing such a thing for him would be Groose. Perhaps the crown was a wedding gift? The thought warmed him, the guy had such a change of heart during that whole sordid ordeal.

“Hey Sky?” Time asked him while tapping him on the shoulder. “I’ve got a question for you.”

“Huh?” Sky shook his head, driving away his musings. “What’s going on?” He noticed that Time was holding onto a few pieces of paper. Had they found something?

“What do you think this crown looks like?” The Old Man glanced down towards the papers. “Just spitball me some ideas.”

Sky scratched his chin in thought for a moment. “Well, I can imagine Zelly and I getting some rubies, maybe a few diamonds, and an emerald or two. But it’d have to match. But it’d have rubies in it, I know that for sure, she loves red.” Just thinking about Sun, his beloved, made his face grow hot. Oh how he wished she was here, she’d be so happy to learn about their descendants.

“And what would the actual thing be made of?” Warriors called out from somewhere unknown.

“Uh,” Sky glanced towards the ground, trying to visualize the crown in his head. “Gold, obviously, but I’d like to picture it as having silver inlays. Maybe they’re feather-like, ‘cause of the Loft-”

“Loftwings,” Time cut him off. “Well, one of these assholes took the damn thing. How did you know what it would look like?”

So they did find something. “I didn’t, I just came up with it.”

“Are you telling me the Chosen just made up Legend’s crown as these people described it in these notes?” The Rancher said from the same mysterious location as Wars.

“Well it is his crown,” Time noted. “Come on then, let’s go find the others.”

“If we’re finding anyone, I suggest we find Wind with the Engineer and Four,” Sky suggested with a shrug. “I mean, they’re the only ones that probably had the opportunity-”

GET BACK HERE YOU f*ckER!” The Sailor’s voice screamed out from the hallway which was followed by the frantic yelling of both Spirit and Four.

“I take it they had the opportunity,” Wars said as he and Twilight both hopped down from the stairs behind Sky. “Where do you think that was?” He asked.

“No idea,” Twilight grabbed the papers from Time and neatly folded them into his pocket. “Let’s just follow the sound.” He shrugged.

Wild Loftwing chase… Sky cursed in his head as the four of them took off running towards the hallway.

It didn’t take them long to find trouble, although the trouble wasn’t whoever the Sailor was chasing, no, because that would’ve been too easy. All Sky knew was that he was running, a bit breathless due to the air being different, and then he was on the ground, face first into the royal carpets.

“f*ck,” Legend’s voice groaned. “f*ckin’ hell Old Man, your armor hurts to run into.”

The Chosen rolled onto his back with a groan of his own, feeling several aching and sore spots all over his back and legs. He stared at the Vet, also on the ground, who had landed on top of Wild with a smile and a laugh.

"How did this happen?" He took in a deep breath. "No, like seriously, how?"

"I blame Wild!" Legend called out with a raised hand. "Damn you and you spells!"

"Hey," Wild protested. "I wasn't expecting an entire group of people to be right where the portal opened up!"

"So that's how we ended up on the floor?" Twilight asked.

"Yep," Wild grimaced slightly." You guys find anything?'

“Well, we found the evidence that someone stole Legend's crown,” Sky said.

“Oh,” Wild grabbed at his face. “That’s great, we found nothing but a wrecked room and flashbacks. At least some of us managed to get something from this.”

“Well, it sounds like Wind might’ve found the culprits…” Time took in a deep breath before shifting Twilight off of his back.

“Think Wind…” Hyrule started with a cough. “Should we help him?”

“He’ll be fine, he’s got Spirit and Four…” Wars answered. “Can we just sit lay here for a bit, I think I f*cked my ankle…”

“That’s the best idea you’ve had all month, Captain.” Sky laughed wearily. “Legend, I have a question for you.”


“Think you can order a replacement floor? Stone bricks really hurt to fall on…” Sky patted the carpeted ground a few times.

“I don’t think I have that much power, but I’ll try to have wood installed… Gotta get Zelda on board,” Legend replied, his voice still weak from the fall, or well, impact and fall.

“Good… Wood sounds nice…”

Another voice screamed out, this time it was Four’s. Sky couldn’t make out what he was saying, and going off the confused faces of the others crumpled on the floor with him, neither could they.

“I think that’s our queue to get up,” Time said.

“Aww man,” Ravio started. “Just when I was getting to enjoy this lovely floor time.”

“We can have floor time later, come on, let’s get up.” The Skyloftian said as if he was going to get up. He wasn’t, floor time might as well be nap time, and the sores in his back were telling him to stay no matter what.

Surely nine Links can handle this.

Sorcerer of the Wilds - Chapter 23 - OrcusNoir (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.